Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Story Hour - Owl Moon by Jane Yolen #faith #patience

Theme of Story Hour: Faith and patience
“Why is patience so important?"
"Because it makes us pay attention.”
Paulo Coelho

  1. Bibliographic Information in MLA format: Yolen, Jane and John Schoenherr, illustrator. Owl Moon. Philomel, 1987.
  2. Lexile: 550L
  3. Image(s) of the book cover(s):
  1. Setting the scene: It’s winter and the moon shines brightly. A little girl and her dad are going owling. The two walk silently apart from the occasional owl calls the father makes to any nearby owls but there is no answer. Sometimes you see an owl and sometimes you don’t but one thing is certain, this little girl and her dad have hope that if they are patient, they will see an owl eventually.
  2. Get into character: For this story, I will read aloud and take the role of narrator.
  3. Props: Students will use their hands to make owl calls at the times in the story when they father makes owl calls
  4. Telling the Story: Please watch my read aloud here
  5. Craft/Activity (including learning standard, goal, objective and outcomes): Click here

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